Don't give up on those dreams now

It's easy to feel like we're stuffed right now, particularly if your job involves keeping a close eye on the media. 

I am aware of a bleakness to the outside world that can, if you let it, paralyse you, lead you to put personal plans on hold and, frankly, scare you. I'm here to tell you that, in the face of all this, IT IS NOT OK TO PUT YOUR DREAMS ON HOLD. Nope, not one iota. Not. A. Jot. 

Not ok to wait for someone else, perhaps a partner, to line up with what you want and "be ready". (I mean when are they ever ready?!)

Not ok to wait for the approval of your friends or siblings.

Not ok to wait for "the cost of living" to go down. 

Not ok to wait for the New Year.

Not ok to wait until you have that next bonus.

And not ok to wait for yourself to feel "in a better place".

Because the way you are going to start feeling in a better place is by MAKING YOUR DREAMS HAPPEN. Slowly. Daily. Joyfully. Inching closer, at what might seem like a snail's pace, but still, progress is progress. 

So if you're not feeling particularly brave today, I get it. I don't know anyone who is. But you owe it to yourself to begin this new journey towards something better, whether that relates to your career, your relationship, your home or your finances. Or all of them!

Have faith in the one person who can make a difference here. YOU. 

You are so resourceful, so talented, so in tune with yourself and your own needs. And so flipping ready for something new and better! 

Of course, I'm not saying, jump out the plane without a parachute - we're not looking for a total overnight u-turn in your circumstances. That would freak you out way too much, and you'd probably feel more stressed than you do now by an extreme sudden change. But, please, please, please keep dreaming.

Keep acting on your own desires.

Keep sharing them with those you trust.

And keep your faith in your own marvellous abilities to evolve and align your life with who you really are right now. 

This is the magic of being alive, is it not?


My top life lesson from 2022


I set the cat among the pigeons over on LinkedIn